Bentley OpenUtilities CONNECT Edition Help

Abandon Page (Save As)

Labor Type The type of labor used in working with the unit. If the unit is assigned as a variable-rate unit, the Labor Type setting determines the labor rate used by Bentley OpenUtilities Designer in calculating costs. Labor rates are defined for labor types during configuration.
Work Type The type of work environment in which construction takes place. The Work Type setting, in conjunction with the assigned unit's life-cycle status, reflects the man-hours required by the unit (for variable-rate units) or level of labor cost (for fixed-rate units) and thus determines the labor rate used by Bentley OpenUtilities Designer in calculating costs.
Plant Account The code for the account to which the unit's costs should be charged. Accounting codes are company-specific and are loaded into the database during configuration.
Fixed Cost The fixed amount per unit of measurement for installing the unit, based on selected work type and labor type.
Abandon Man-hours The standard number of labor hours required to abandon the equipment that makes up the unit. Limited to 99,999.99.
Abandon Labor Cost The labor cost for abandoning the equipment that makes up the unit. This value is calculated by Bentley OpenUtilities Designer (Abandon Labor Cost = Hourly Labor Rate × Abandon Man-hours).
Abandon Equipment Cost The cost of equipment required to transfer the unit. Limited to $99,999,999.99.
Abandon Total Cost The total cost for transferring the unit. This value is calculated by Bentley OpenUtilities Designer (Transfer Total Cost = Transfer Labor Cost + Transfer Equipment Cost).
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